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In 1881 Lambert Koeniger purchased Farm lots 20-21 in the town of Pittsburgh for $250. In 1882 he contracted with Laurence H Wall to build him a home. This begins the story of Amenthal, a two-story stone house on the south bank of the Blanco River in the old town across the river from present Blanco. The house was completed in 1883. In 1887 the house was purchased by John Wilson Baines, the Secretary of State for Texas. He his wife Ruth Ament Huffman and there children Rebekah, Josefa, and son Huffman. The house was named Amenthal after their mother. The family left Amenthal in 1904 moved to Gillespie County where Rebekah Baines met and married Samuel C. Johnson Jr. and bore a son Lyndon Baines Johnson, who was the 36th President of the United States.